โฌ†๏ธUploading a custom game server

The process for building and uploading your custom server to PlayFlow is designed to be universally applicable across various game engines, including Unity, Unreal, and Godot. The key requirement for compatibility with PlayFlow's system is the generation of a Linux executable named Server.x86_64. By adhering to this standard, developers can ensure a smooth integration with PlayFlow, regardless of the game engine used.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Building Your Server

  1. Server Build: Utilize your game engine of choiceโ€”be it Unity, Unreal, or Godotโ€”to create a server build. The process might vary slightly across engines, but the goal remains the creation of a dedicated server executable.

  2. Executable Naming: It's imperative to name your server's executable Server.x86_64. This naming convention is crucial for PlayFlow to recognize and manage your server correctly.

  3. Compression: Once your server build is ready, compress the entire game server directory into a .zip file. This file should be named Server.zip for consistency and ease of identification.

โ˜๏ธ Uploading Your Server

  1. Access PlayFlow API Docs: Begin by visiting the PlayFlow API documentation. This resource is your gateway to various PlayFlow functionalities, including server uploads.

  2. Endpoint Navigation: Within the API documentation, locate the upload_server_files endpoint. This endpoint is specifically designed for uploading your custom server builds.

  3. Authentication: Input your unique token to authenticate your session. This token is a critical piece of your PlayFlow account, granting you the necessary permissions to interact with the platform.

  4. File Selection: Choose the Server.zip file you previously prepared. This file contains your entire game server build, packaged according to PlayFlow's specifications.

  5. Execution: Click the 'Execute' button to commence the upload of your server. This action will transmit your server build to PlayFlow's cloud infrastructure, readying it for deployment.

By following these steps, developers can leverage PlayFlow's powerful server hosting capabilities across a multitude of game engines, ensuring a broad and flexible approach to multiplayer server management and deployment.

Once your server is successfully deployed, PlayFlow offers a versatile suite of tools designed to facilitate the deployment of your game servers across the globe, ensuring an optimal gaming experience for players regardless of their location. These tools include the PlayFlow plugin, the Web API UI, and direct access to the REST API, each catering to different developer preferences and workflows.

PlayFlow Plugin

The PlayFlow plugin integrates directly into your development environment, providing a seamless and intuitive interface for managing and deploying your servers. This option is ideal for developers who prefer a graphical interface within their development tools.


For those who favor a web-based management console, the Web API UI presents a comprehensive dashboard through which you can monitor, manage, and deploy your servers. This interface is accessible from any web browser, offering convenience and accessibility.


For developers seeking maximum flexibility and automation, the REST API grants programmatic access to PlayFlow's functionalities. This allows for custom deployment scripts, integration with CI/CD pipelines, and the automation of server management tasks, offering a high degree of control and customization.

By leveraging these tools, you can efficiently deploy servers in strategic locations around the world, minimizing latency and providing a smooth gaming experience for your global player base. PlayFlow's diverse deployment options ensure that you can choose the method that best fits your project's needs and your personal or team's workflow preferences.

Last updated